Learning to use a pendulum

Using a Pendulum works best with a mat like the one in the picture, it’s also a method people use to predict the gender of a baby when a woman finds out she’s pregnant (it worked for all three of my kids). It’s one of the most simple methods to use.

You hold the pendulum over your mat/stomach or whatever you’re using, make sure your hand is steady.

Wait for it to quit moving then ask your question.

When it’s working, you will feel it tug at your hand to move and it will drop to the correct response.

If you’re not using a mat of any kind, wait for the pendulum to be fully still and ask it what means no. Wait to see if it swings in a circle clockwise, counterclockwise, straight up and down or back and forth and make note of what direction means no. Ask again for yes and see what it shows.

You can also ask it to lead you in different directions- you will feel a slight pull and it will start to pull in the direction it is trying to lead you, then stop when you reach the location.

Picking out a pendulum is simple. The right pendulum will call out to you when you’re shopping. It may or may not even be what you’re looking for at the time but when it calls, it’s best to listen.


The pendulum is the most simple and easy to use divination method. There are fewer variations and fewer steps. In my opinion, pendulum is the best divination method to start studying when you’re looking to get into learning divination.


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